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Best Healthcare Learning Management System

The pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. To stay abreast with the latest medical information the healthcare learning management system is being deployed by various organizations.

The healthcare learning management system supports e learning solutions from brand related medical to compliance related modules.

Training employees to comply with all relevant regulations and medical information is one of the biggest challenges faced by pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. This often requires customized Healthcare Learning Management System addressing challenges specific to product portfolio, science and regulation where the organization operates.

Do you know, only in United states, the pharmaceutical industry spends over $1 billion dollars in training programs? Of the billion dollars, over $150 million is spent on the training content and another $150 million alone on traveling costs of employees attending training sessions.

A recent study by Randstad,

  1. A staggering 51% of employees in the Biotech and Pharma industries are reported to be likely to seek out new employment within the next 6 months.
  2. Out of all industries polled, on an average, 44% of employees revealed that they would accept a better offer from a competitor, while in the Pharmaceutical industry the number was at 66%.
  3. One of the reasons cited was a lack of training and scope of career advancement, so much so that 34% of the employees cited this as the reason for seeking out new employers.

This indicates that training employees so that they can keep their skill set growing using a Healthcare Learning Management system is essential for employee retention in the Pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.


Not so long ago, a paper-based system was in place for documenting all training completion in pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. With the digital healthcare transformation in place many organizations from pharmaceutical to hospital are implementing healthcare learning management systems. One of the many benefits of choosing healthcare learning management system is centralizations, cost advantage and scalability. The paper-based system fails to provide the benefits of healthcare learning management system.

Benefits of Healthcare Learning Management Systems

A good healthcare learning management system (LMS) should be able to provide following benefits:

  • Integration E Learning course/module for medical training, product training, sales force effectiveness, and other related training
  • Admin & Superadmin Can assign the course to a group or individual with a due date for course completion
  • Centralized learning It becomes easy to offer centralized source of learning to multiple users and the online training, performance, and content can be accessed from the admin panel.
  • Easy updates Medical Content and associated information can be easily udpated, as Healthcare Learning Management Systems offer a centralized location for digital information which makes it simple to implement changes. Changes in training material will automatically trigger an alert to learners who need to be trained on the revised courses.
  • Reduced cost The LMS can reduce the training costs in multiple ways as the trainer doesn’t need to travel now, so there are no boarding and lodging charges involved. The teaching cost reduces to great extent. Learning Management Systems save organizations’ and instructors’ valuable time and money through web-based training.
  • Anytime, anywhere learning. Centralized uploading and online access ensure this. You can learn whenever and wherever you want to.
  • Notifications and reminders It can be automatically sent through emails or SMSs as soon as a trainee has been assigned a course. The frequency of these notifications can be customized as per need
  • Customization The LMS can be customized to conduct the learning management analysis on a continuous basis or from time to time. Authoring tools allows creation of e-courses, PDF, videos etc.
  • Reports Of e learning course planned and completed for each user or group are available at all times, easing for internal audit process. Records of these evaluations are available at all times for audit purposes.
  • Assessments Online assessments for courses can be conducted with the help of quizzes and tests as pre and post assessments.



LMS Features (Must Have)

  • Automatically deliver skills and compliance training to all employees, no matter where they’re located or what time of day or night it may be.
  • Use self-register learning activity features to increase employee knowledge and engagement throughout organization.
  • Reduce time and costs associated with meeting regulatory requirements through enhanced audit reporting.
  • Finally, some common features found in the majority of Learning Management Systems include:
  • Managing users, courses, roles, and generating reports. This helps uploading courses, assigning roles, and generating various reports.
  • Making a course calendar. This feature helps in managing the course activities.
  • Messaging and notifications. Users and trainers can send reminders and notifications, including upcoming training and events.
  • Assessments that can handle pre/post testing.
  • Certification and display employees’ score and transcripts. This helps in maintaining training records of the learners, performance of the individual, and providing certificates to those who have completed training successfully.
  • Instructor-led course management.
  • Administration.
  • Competency management. With the help of this feature one can track and check the skills set of the team members and compare then against business goals.

Best Healthcare Learning Management System

LMS Functionalities (Must Have)

Intuitive User Interface
It all begins with an intuitive user interface that every member of your eLearning team can use to create meaningful online training courses. All of the LMS features included on this list hinge on a user-friendly LMS platform that aligns with the skills and experience levels of your collaborators. As such, it’s one of the key factors to consider when test-driving the new tool. You should also meet with your eLearning team to learn as much as possible about their personal preferences and LMS requirements.

Data Security Protocols
You need to know that your sensitive data is safe from prying eyes. As such, your LMS should have data security measures in place to safeguard your information. For example, protected servers and encryption protocols to prevent hacks. When in doubt, ask the LMS vendor about their data safety policies and if they’ve encountered any breaches in the past. You can also look for online reviews and ratings from previous clients.

Online Collaboration Tools
Built-in online collaboration tools include video conferencing software and community calendars. They allow you to create interactive and engaging online training experiences that remove geographical limitations. Not to mention, ensure that your corporate learners are kept in the loop regarding updates of online training courses and synchronous learning events, such as live webinars where they can ask questions and offer feedback.

Feedback System
The best way to gather opinions about your online training course is to ask corporate learners directly. Therefore, one of the LMS features that you need is a built-in feedback system to collect and compile user data. For example, organize all of the survey data and then create a companion graph. At the very least, it should have a survey or polling tool so that you can test the waters from time to time. This  is  a must-have LMS features checklist which can help you find the best LMS platform for your corporate eLearning project. You should also create an accurate online training budget beforehand in order to narrow down the candidates and allocate your resources more effectively.

Assessment Tools
Aside from LMS reports and analytics, the most direct way to track learner engagement and progress is to conduct online training assessments. This can range from branching scenarios and online training simulations to written exams. The goal is to gauge their comprehension so that you can provide personalized recommendations. The LMS should support a broad range of online assessment methods and allow you to provide immediate feedback.

Responsive Design Support
Corporate learners want to get the information whenever the need arises. Thus, your new LMS must be able to provide mobile-friendly online training courses that are accessible on any device. Furthermore, it should give you the power to deploy downloadable online training content for offline viewing. Corporate learners can complete the online training activity without an Internet connection, then update their progress when they log back into the Learning Management System.

Customization & Personalization
This is a broad category with multiple facets. Your LMS should allow you to customize certain aspects of the user interface and online training content. For example, integrate branding elements so that you can produce online training materials that align with your image. However, it must also give you the opportunity to provide personalized online training resources to your corporate learners. For instance, individualized online training paths wherein they can choose their own online training activities and modules.

Learning for learning’s sake is a great idea in theory, but in the real world (where your employees live), you’ll probably want to incentivize the process. Gamification features can turn learning into a friendly competition. While it may not make your subject matter any more interesting, adding game features to your courses and training programs will engage learners, speed them through the modules, and increase compliance.

Benefits of Healthcare Learning Management Systems

Choosing the best Healthcare Learning Management Vendors

Organizations must ensure that they partner with those LMS vendors which have significant experience in implementing LMS for Pharmaceutical companies. The Healthcare Learning Management System not only helps organizations comply with training requirements but also helps in increasing the efficiency of team members and achieving excellence in product quality.

What are e Learning Solutions?

Ensuring that your workforce is up-to-date with the training and product information they need is of the utmost importance in pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations. A Healthcare learning management system ensures that you can deliver the right training at the right time while tracking your team’s progress along the way. Using healthcare LMS to manage your online training streamlines and automates your administrative activities and ensure well-documented records that are available in real-time and on demand.

These e Learning solutions are the necessities of current workforce requirement and future training programs. Do you know there are certain training programs that are built using mixed reality, augmented reality and mixed reality? Yes, immersive technologies are making a wave in healthcare training modules as these are part of e Learning solutions.

How Much time does it take to Implement Healthcare Learning Management System?

Healthcare Learning Management Systems can help your organization meet these stringent demands while maintaining your focus on providing the highest quality products and/or patient care services. There is no black-and-white deployment time for LMS as it varies but what we have seen in a range of 4-6 months from the date of project inception.

What about User Reports and LMS Analytics?

Flexible Reporting And Analytics – You have to track various aspects of your online training course to ensure effectiveness and properly allocate resources. As such, your LMS needs to have robust reporting and analytics that mesh with your online training objectives. Many LMS platforms even feature customizable LMS reports whereby you can generate metrics based on your online training pain points. Ideally, the LMS should also include visual representations of the data so that you can quickly spot patterns and adjust your online training strategy accordingly.

Why Us

The real question is what’s the best way to manage these training and compliance related requirements without sacrificing your commitment to quality and efficiency?

Moisaka Healthcare Solution team provides customized e Learning solutions and is well versed in the unique expectations of pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Our team has proven experience developing engaging healthcare and pharmaceutical compliance training solutions.

Moisaka Healthcare solution provides outstanding healthcare learning management system technology and e Learning solutions for healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations only. The solution focuses on training, employee engagement, satisfaction, and development to help retain their people and develop the next generation of leaders, all while meeting strict regulatory and compliance requirements. Did we happen to mention that we’re working with top 50 pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations globally!

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